Friday, September 21, 2012

Common Leopard

The Common Leopard Phalanta phalantha is a sun-loving butterfly of the Nymphalid or Brush-footed Butterfly family.
The Common Leopard is a medium-sized butterfly with a wingspan of 50–55 mm with a tawny colour and marked with black spots. The underside of the butterfly is more glossy than the upper and both the male and female are similar looking. A more prominent purple gloss on the underside is found in the dry season form of this butterfly

Monday, September 17, 2012

Common Emigrant Butterfly

The Common Emigrant or Lemon Emigrant (Catopsilia pomona) is a medium sized pierid butterfly found in Asia and parts of Australia. The species gets its name from its habit of migration. Some early authors considered them as two distinct species Catopsilia crocale and Catopsilia pomona

Tawny coster Butterfly

The Tawny Coster (Acraea terpsicore) is a small leathery winged butterfly which is common in grassland and scrub habitats. It belongs to the Nymphalidae or brush-footed butterfly family. It has a weak fluttery flight. It is avoided by most insect predators. This species and the Yellow Coster Acraea issoria are the only two Indian representatives of the predominantly African tribe Acraeini.

White-edged Blue Baron Butterfly

Eastern Bath White Butterfly

The Eastern Bath White (Pontia edusa) is a butterfly in the family Pieridae.
Pontia edusa is a small to medium-sized migrant butterfly, with a wingspan reaching about 45 mm. The upperside of the wings is white, with black stains on the top of the forewing and hindwing. The hind wing undersides have greenish-gray spots. The butterfly is nearly identical to Pontia daplidice. Investigations of the genitals are the only way to distinguish between these two types.

Small Cupid Butterfly

The Small Cupid (Chilades contracta) is a small butterfly found in India that belongs to the Lycaenids or Blues family.

Pallid Argus Butterfly

Pallid Argus Callerebia scanda is a Brown butterfly that is found in the Himalayas

Common Four Ring Butterfly

Small Salmon Arab Butterfly

Indian Cabbage White Butterfly

The Indian Cabbage White (Pieris canidia) is a butterfly in the family Pieridae.
Male has the upperside white to pale cream-colour. The base of the fore wing and the basal portion of the costa, and base and upper margin of cell with a scattering of black scales; apex and terminal margin to about the middle, decreasingly, black, on the latter the black extended for n very short distance triangularly along the veins ; a round black spot in interspace 3. The hindwing has a subcostal black spot as in Pieris rapae but is generally larger and more conspicuous, and a series of four or five terminal black spots that vary in size at the apices of the veins.
Underside : fore wing white ; cell and costa lightly irrorated with black scales; apex somewhat broadly tinged with ochraceous yellow; interspaces 1, 3 and 5 with conspicuous subquadrate black spots, the spot in interspace 1 sometimes extended into interspace 1 a, that in 5 ill-defined. Hind wing : from pale, almost white, to dark ochraceous, thickly irrorated all over (with the exception of a longitudinal streak in the cell, and in the darker specimens similar longitudinal streaks in the interspaces) with black scales ; costa above vein 8 chrome-yellow. Antennae black with minute white specks ; the long hairs on head and thorax greenish-grey; abdomen black ; beneath : head, thorax and abdomen white.
Female has the underside similar to that of the male but the scattering of black scales more prominent, the black on the apex and termen of the fore wing and the black spots on the termen of the hind wing broader, more extended inwards; on the fore wing there is an additional spot in interspace 1, and both this and the spot in interspace 3 in many specimens are connected by a line of black scales along the veins to the outer black border ; also the spot in interspace 1 often extends across vein 1 into the interspace below

Chocolate Pansy Butterfly

The Chocolate Pansy or Chocolate Soldier (Junonia iphita) is a butterfly found in Asia.
It is about 5–6 cm (2.0–2.4 in) in wingspan and the female can be told apart from the male by white markings on the oblique line on the underside of the hind wing. The wavy lines on the underside of the wings vary from wet to dry season forms.
Individuals maintain a territory and are usually found close to the ground level and often bask in the sun.

Common Pierrot Butterfly

The Common Pierrot (Castalius rosimon)[1][2][3] is a small butterfly found in India that belongs to the Lycaenids or Blues family.

Spotted Sawtooth Butterfly

Spotted SawtoothPrioneris thestylis is a small butterfly of the Family Pieridae, that is, the Yellows and Whites, which is found in India.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tiger Striped Butterfly

Indian Tortoiseshell Butterfly

The Indian Tortoiseshell (Aglais kaschmirensis) is a species of nymphalid butterfly found in Asia.
Upperside of forewings with the basal half of costa and termen pale brown, the former flecked with pale yellow, the latter bordered inwardly by a narrow darker brown band bearing a series of black lunules; outwardly traversed by sinuous slender subterminal and more slender terminal black lines : base of wing and the greater part of interspace 1a and of 1 posteriorly brown, irrorated with golden scales, the rest of the wing anteriorly yellow, posteriorly and at base of cell red, with the following black markings: a broad band across the cell, another broader short band beyond, touching the discocellulars, not extending below vein 4, and a third not extending below vein 5, with a white patch beyond before apex, all three short bands rounded posteriorly ; on the disc there is a large oval black spot, followed by a yellow patch in interspace 1, and above it smaller black spots in interspaces 2 and 3.

Red Pierrot Butterfly

The Red Pierrot (Talicada nyseus) is a small but striking butterfly found in South Asia and South-East Asia belonging to the Lycaenids or Blues family. Red Pierrots, flying weakly around and perching on the Kalanchoe plant, are usually noticed by excited children in gardens due to their beautiful striking patterns and colours.

Common Mormon Butterfly

The Common Mormon (Papilio polytes) is a common species of swallowtail butterfly widely distributed across Asia. This butterfly is known for the mimicrydisplayed by the numerous forms of its females which mimic inedible Red-bodied Swallowtails, such as the Common Rose and the Crimson Rose.

Common Tiger Butterfly

The Common Tiger (Danaus genutia) is one of the common butterflies of India. It belongs to the "Crows and Tigers", that is, the danainae group of the Brush-footed butterflies family. The butterfly is also called Striped Tiger in India to differentiate it from the equally common Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus

Orange Tip Butterfly

The tribe Anthocharini is one of the subdivisions of the insect order Lepidoptera, which includes the moths and butterflies. It is a further subdivision of the butterfly family Pieridae and subfamily Pierinae; formerly it was considered a subfamily on its own, Anthocharinae. This tribe includes many, but not all, of the orangetip butterflies

Dark Blue Tiger

The Dark Blue Tiger (Tirumala septentrionis) is a Danaid butterfly found in South and Southeast Asia.
Closely resembles Tirumala limniace, Cramer, but is always sufficiently distinct to be easily recognized, even on the wing. From T. limniace it differs on the upperside in the ground-colour being darker and the semihyaline markings narrower, more distinct, and of a bluer tint, In the fore wing, in interspace 1 the two streaks are narrower, never coalescent, the upper one forming an oval detached spot; the short streaks above vein 5 are outwardly never truncate, always acute. In the hind wing the two streaks if the discoidal cell united at base are wide apart at their apices, the lower one never formed into a hook. On the underside this species is generally darker, the apex of the fore wing and the whole of the ground-colour of the hind wing not being of the conspicuous golden brown that they are in Tirumala limniace

Common Palmfly

The Common PalmflyElymnias hypermnestra, is a species of satyrid butterfly found in south Asia

Common Cerulean

The Common Cerulean (Jamides celeno) is a small butterfly found in India belonging to the Lycaenids or Blues family.

Large White Butterfly

The Large WhitePieris brassicae, also called Cabbage ButterflyCabbage White, or in India the Large Cabbage WhiteWhite cabbage butterfly is abutterfly in the family Pieridae.

Peacock Pansy

The Peacock Pansy (Junonia almana) is a species of nymphalid butterfly found in South Asia. It exists in two distinct adult forms, which differ chiefly in the patterns on the underside of the wings; the dry-season form has few markings, while the wet-season form has additional eyespots and lines.

Glassy Tiger

The Glassy Tiger (Parantica aglea) is a butterfly found in India that belongs to the Crows and Tigers, that is, the Danaid group of the Brush-footed butterflies family.

Plain Tiger

Danaus chrysippus, known as the Plain Tiger or African Monarch, is a common butterfly which is widespread in Asia and Africa. It belongs to the Danainae("Milkweed butterflies") subfamily of the brush-footed butterfly familyNymphalidae. It is a medium-sized, non-edible butterfly, which is mimicked by multiple species.
The Plain Tiger is believed to be one of the first butterflies to be used in art. A 3500 year old Egyptian fresco in Luxor features the oldest illustration of this species.
The Plain Tiger can be considered the archetypical danaine of India. Accordingly, this species has been studied in greater detail than other members of its subfamily occurring in India.

Grey Pansy

The Gray Pansy or Grey Pansy (Junonia atlites) is a species of nymphalid butterfly found in South Asia.
Upperside of both sexes pale lavender-brown, apical half of wings paler. Fore wing: cell with, three transverse, short, sinuous black bands, the outermost defining the discocellulars; a similar short, somewhat broader band beyond apex of cell; two transverse discal dusky black fasciae, the inner highly sinuous and outward, angulate above vein 4, the outer straighter, somewhat lunular, bordered by a series of whitish ovals with dusky or black centres. The black-centred spots in the ovals in interspaces 2, 5, and 6 margined posteriorly with rich ochraceous yellow. Beyond this series of ovals is a lunular, narrow, transverse dark band, followed by sinuous subterminal and terminal broad dark lines. Apex of wing slightly fuliginous. Hind wing: a short slender black loop from veins 6 to 4 at apex of cell-area ; two discal sinuous transverse dark, fasciae in continuation of those on the fore wing: followed by a series of dark-centred ovals in interspaces 2–6, the ovals in interspaces 2, 5, and 6 with the dark centres inwardly broadly bordered with ochreous yellow; postdiscal, subterminal and terminal dark lunular lines as on the fore wing.

Pioneer White

The Pioneer White or African Caper White (Belenois aurota) is a small to medium-sized butterfly of the Family Pieridae, that is, the Yellows and Whites, which is found in South Asia and Africa. In Africa, it is also known as the Brown-veined White, and is well known during summer and autumn when large numbers migrate north-east over the interior.

Great Eggfly

The Great Eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina), also called the Blue Moon Butterfly in New Zealand or Common Eggfly, is a species of nymphalid butterfly.

Common Lime Butterfly

Papilio demoleus, the Mariposa del Muerte, is a common and widespread Swallowtail butterfly. It gets its common names from its host plants, which are usually citrus species such as the cultivated lime. Unlike most swallowtail butterflies, it does not have a prominent tail. The butterfly has also been referred to as the Butterfly of Death, a name it shares with a morphologically similar species, Papilio demodocus, which flies in Africa. The butterfly is a pest and invasive species from the Old World which has spread to the Caribbean and Central America

White orange tip

Ixias marianne, commonly known as the white orange tip, is a small butterfly of the family Pieridae, (the yellows and whites) found in India and Sri Lanka

Mottled Emigrant

The Mottled EmigrantCatopsilia pyranthe, is a medium sized butterfly of the Family Pieridae found in South AsiaSoutheast Asia and parts of Australia.

Common Grass Yellow

The Large Grass Yellow or Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe) is a small pierid butterfly species found in Asia or Africa.They are found flying close to the ground and are found in open grass and scrub habitats. It is simply known as "the grass yellow" in parts of its range; the general term otherwise refers to the entire genus Eurema.